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Code of Conduct

Rosemount Mulvey Football Club (RMFC) follow a Code of Conduct. The guidelines in this document are based on the national guidelines.

In pursuit of this goal we advise all members (coaches, players, parents and spectators) of RMFC of their responsibilities:


Everyone, espcially children and young people, need a coach they can respect. Our coaches commit to themselves to:

  • show respect and lead by example
  • be generous with praise when it is deserved
  • never ridicule or shout at players for making mistakes or losing a match
  • be informed on sound coaching principles and methods, and on the principles of growth and development of young people
  • create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to train and play
  • encourage each player in terms of self-discipline, behaviour and punctuality
  • ensure that all players are aware that all forms of bullying will not be tolerated
  • always display high standards of behaviour and appearance
  • seek and follow the advice of a doctor in determining when an injured player is ready to play again
  • ensure that proper equipment and facilities are available at all times.


RMFC want all players to enjoy their education and development with our club. We ask you, as a player, to:

  • show respect for:
    • team-mates
    • managers
    • coaches
    • opponents
    • officials.
  • always turn up on time for matches and training in the club attire
  • always play to the best of your ability, accept a wind or defeat in a proper manner
  • always have commitment to your club and pride in your performance
  • ensure that your lifestyle helps, rather than hinders, your progress.
  • ensure your kit bag holds the proper kit and spares at all times.
  • listen to mentor advice and ask questions if you don not understand
  • help out with equipment before and after matches and training
  • advise as soon as possible if you are injured or sick.

Bullying will not be tolerated. If you feel you are being bullied, you are safe to tell your mentors or the Child Welfare Officer.


As a parent we ask that you support us in encouraging an enjoyable experience for all. and that you:

  • ask your child or children to treat with respect:
    • other players
    • coaches
    • game officials
    • administrators
    • supporters.
  • be positive at all times
  • allow the mentors to be the only mentors
  • accept that the game is for the players, not for the adults.

Remember that although your child or children play organised soccer, they are not miniature professionals. Do not place excessive pressure on your child or children to perform to unrealistically high expectations. Children play soccer to develop their skills, to have fun and enjoy the game.


The behaviour of a team's supporters will often be remembered long after the result of the game. We ask you, as a spectator, to lead by example, this involves:

  • encouraging good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support at all times for all:
    • players
    • coaches
    • game officials
    • administrators.
  • applauding good play, sportsmanship and best effort by the opposing team, as well as your own team
  • placing the emotional and physical well being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win
  • welcoming and respecting all your team's opponents and not get into arguments with their players, coaches or mentors.
  • not criticizing game officials
  • not coming onto the field for any reason during the game.

The verbal abuse of players, match officials or opposing supporters cannot be accepted in any shape or form. Players or match officials should never be regarded as fair targets for ignorant or abusive behaviour.

 © 2024 Rosemount Mulvey Football Club

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