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Volunteer in the club

Rosemount Mulvey Football Club's (RMFC) existence depends on volunteers. Volunteers are the driving force of the Club. Without volunteers RMFC would not be in a position to offer football opportunities to our community

By volunteering, not only are you helping others and making football operate, but you are also gaining experience and enhancing your skills. RMFC has a Recruitment Policy in order to ensure we provide a healthy environment for volunteers.

All these roles are required to maintain RMFC and have been broken into tasks. As a volunteer you will not be required to perform all tasks under one role. You may volunteer for one task or may volunteer for several under different roles.

How to volunteer

Speak to a Committee member or you can send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more information.

Coaching roles

    Schoolboys’ and girls’ team coach

    Time commitment is estimated to be four to five hours per week

    As a coach of one of our girl's or boy's teams, you would be responsible for coaching the team, helping them develop their skills. In many cases, organising the team for fixtures, leading the team on matchdays and organising training.

    RMFC will provide access to FAI Coaching Courses.

    Academy coach

    TIme commitment is estimated as one to two hours a week

    As a volunteer Academy coach you are responsible for coaching one of the age sets for the hour.

    RMFC will provide access to FAI Coaching Courses.

    Non-coaching roles

      Social media administrator

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours per week

      As a Social Media Administrator you will have control of RMFC’s social media. This includes adding photos, match reports, club news and events, and any fundraising efforts.

      Website content editor

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours per month.

      As a content editor you will be responsible for researching, proofreading, and publishing content, and the design of the content to www.rmfc.ie.

      It is preferable that a volunteer has some understanding of content management systems,

      Website administration

      There is no time commitment estimated for this task as it is performed when required.

      As a website administrator you will be responsible for the maintenance of www.rmfc.ie

      It is preferable that a volunteer in this role is a technical professional with knowledge of web maintenance and web development.

      Graphic designer

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours per week

      As a graphic designer, you will be responsible for the design of graphics used on our social media and posters, to promote club news and events and fundraising efforts.


      Time commitment is estimated to be two to three hours per week

      As a photographer you will be responsible for capturing images of matches, club events. Photographs will be used on the Club's social media.

      You will need to have access to your own camera. 


      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours per week

      As a videographer you will be responsible for creating videos of matches, club events and videos to promote the club.

      You will need to have access to your own camera.


      The time estimate for this role is one to eight hours a week

      As a groundskeeper you will be responsible for ensuring the pitches are maintained and ready to use as required. Maintance of all size goals and nets, ball-stop netting.

      Lotto seller

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to four hours per week

      As a lotto seller you will promote the Club’s weekly lottery and sell club lotto tickets. as well as check tickets at the draw.

      Online lotto administrator

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours per week

      As an online lotto administrator you will raise awareness and promote online lotto sales, and manage the online lotto at the draw.

      Grant coordinator

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours a week

      As a grant coordinator you will be responsible for identifying and writing grant applications for the club.

      You will be part of the Sponsorship and Fundraising subcommittee.


      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours a week

      As statistician you will be resposible for recording and analysing collected data about attendance to the academy and schoolboys and girls' training.

      Sponsorship coordinator

      Time commitment is estimated to be one to two hours a week

      As a sponsorship  coordinator you will be responsible for securting and maintining our sponsors

      You will be part of the Sponsorship and Fundraising subcommittee.

      Event coordinator

      Time commitment is estimated to be three to seven hours per event.

      As an event coordinator you will be responsible for planning and coordinating club events.

      Frequently asked questions

      What support is there for new volunteers?

      The Club will make all efforts to assist new volunteers in whatever way they can. Volunteers are not expected to deal with any problems alone and are assured of Committee assistance and support.

      How much time do I need to commit?

      Some roles can be carried out with as little as an hour a week, so there is definitely a role out there for you! 

      Each task has an estimated time commitment, in accordance with our Recruitment Policy. The time estimate is based on one volunteer performing the role, as so will be less where the task is shared.

      Are there any requirements to becoming a volunteer?

      Garda Vetting must be completed before the commencement of any position for those working with children and vulnerable persons in any capacity. 

      Under the FAI rulebook, everybody who works with children and vulnerable persons is required to complete the Safeguarding 1 course delivered through the FAI Child Welfare Office.

      What is the minimum age I can volunteer?

      Volunteers can be as young as 16.

       © 2024 Rosemount Mulvey Football Club

      Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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